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Lake Shore Cryotronics – environment by Janis – Superconducting Magnet Systems

Superconducting Magnet Systems

Lake Shore Cryotronics environment by Janis

With over four decades of experience and a worldwide installation base, we are a recognized leader in the design and manufacture of superconducting magnet systems. Our renowned SuperVariTemp insert operates from 1.5 K to 325 K, and is featured in the SuperVariMag, OptiMag, and SuperOptiMag systems, and is also available as an independent insert for use with existing magnets. We also offer a variety of superconducting magnet systems that offer a room temperature bore (with inserts that reach 800 K) along with a variety of other systems that are designed for specific applications. These state-of-the-art systems feature integrated designs for the cryostat, magnet, temperature controller, and programmable power supply, together with a complete line of ancillary equipment. Our approach to superconducting magnet system design provides a variety of technical and cost benefits.

By maintaining flexibility over the specification and integration of the magnet, electronics, temperature controller, and cryostat, we are able to offer magnet systems with performance characteristics tailored to individual experimental and budgetary requirements.

Superconducting Magnet System Features

  • Top sample loading and exchange at all temperatures.
  • Effortless sample rotation and translation about the vertical axis at all temperatures, with options for rotation about a horizontal axis.
  • Field-independent thermometry.
  • The SuperVariTemp system, with provision for a temperature control thermometer at the heat exchanger.
  • Vapor-cooled/superconducting high-current magnet leads.
  • Superconducting magnets with persistent mode operation providing field stabilities of 20 ppm/h.
  • Carefully designed magnet support inside the helium reservoir, with optical access through the Dewar vacuum space (OptiMag and SuperOptiMag systems).
  • Built-in superconducting liquid helium level sensors, providing continuous or timed level monitoring.
  • Readily accessible and interchangeable sample chambers.

Complete superconducting magnet systems include:

  • Programmable magnet power supply with computer interface and bi-polar operation.
  • Temperature controller with field-independent thermometry.
  • Liquid helium transfer lines.
  • Cryogenic Hall probe and gaussmeter.
  • Automatic nitrogen filling mechanism.
  • Vacuum pumping stations.
Model Sample
Cryogen-Free Systems
DryMag™ Vacuum or exchange gas 1.5 K to 420 K Yes*
He-4 Systems
SuperVariMag Flowing helium vapor or vacuum/UHV 1.5 K to 325 K (options to 400 K) 6 to 12 T No
OptiMag Flowing helium vapor or vacuum/UHV 1.5 K to 325 K 6 to 12 T Yes
SuperOptiMag Flowing helium vapor or vacuum/UHV 1.5 K to 325 K 7 T Yes
Room Temperature Systems
Room temperature bore Determined by the cryostat used in the magnet bore* Determined by the cryostat used in the magnet bore** 6 to 12 T Yes*
Special Systems
Microscopy Vacuum/UHV 3.5 K to 450 K 0 to 7 T Yes

*With optical field access the maximum field is 7 T

**Room temperature bore systems can be combined with variable temperature cryostats to operate in temperature ranges between 1.5 K and 800 K

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Lake Shore Cryotronics

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